Question 1
A computer-assisted language learning (CALL) website has been chosen to fulfill this task. I have picked an advanced English lesson website; which provides free online English lessons and EFL/ESL resources for both intermediate and advanced English learners, typically well-educated business people and professionals who intend to improve their English for career advancement. Basically the website has offered a broad range of genuine pedagogical resources which attempt to execute online instruction of English as an alternative mode of teaching and learning and a significant addition to traditional teaching.
Furthermore, the "eyeball" label of and the graphic of a few books stacked attract learners' attention to the concise themes of the website. They are characterized by English tutorials featuring interactive exercises and resources ranging from grammar, vocabulary, reading, and listening to student forums and online dictionaries.
Question 2
As the website recommends many features to the learners, there are some steps that they need to follow in a way of learning the content. One of the features of English Page is an "English Grammar Book". Unlike a usual electronic book, this grammar book has 156 links to the related grammar topics within and beyond English Page. By clicking the "Add a Site" button, learners can contribute to the website by adding an English lesson, exercise, or resource. From the "Top Rated," learners can have a glance of the top ten resources rated by users. Furthermore, learners can find new links to the grammar book by clicking on "What's New." Learners who are only interested in specific grammar points can be easily led to the target with the help of the "search" function in the grammar book or within the website.
Besides that, it is worth noting that every category of grammar tutorial provides moderately a few exercises. The best part is learners are able to opt where they want to go first, either doing the exercise before or after each tutorial. Next, they may check the result using a “check” function. Moreover, the website developers have generated the same thing to the vocabulary lessons where they provide different categories of new words, from daily life to special fields like the aerospace industry. In addition to exercises for each vocabulary lesson similar to the grammar lessons, learners can get more practice through a crossword puzzle.
Apart from English grammar and vocabulary lessons, the website offers an abundance of English learning resources for listening, reading and dictionary use.
Question 3
When operating the application, there are some computer skills that need to be mastered by users. First of all, users need to go to the search engine to search for the particular website, The users need to know how to use the touchpad or mouse to browse the website. Next, as they have found the website, they will click the website using either one device mentioned above to sign in. Then, they will choose any category they prefer to by clicking the mouse. When they are given the tutorial, they will browse it using mouse. After that, the users suppose to answer the exercises provided. In order to answer that, they have to type their answers using the keys on the keyboard. When they finish it, they will send their answers by clicking the box provided. As a conclusion, the users need to know the skills of how to find the search engine, the website, and as well as the basic computer skills like using the keyboard and mouse or touchpad.
Question 4
While assessing the application, it does remind me the usual situation in classroom learning. Teachers typically will introduce the lesson first to students and give the explanations regarding the subject matter. After the explanations, students can ask their teachers if they not understand and teachers will explain it. The teachers lastly will give students exercises for them to complete. This is may help students to understand better on what they have learnt in class. In conclusion, the process of in-classroom learning is much alike with the website applications.
Question 5
Based on the website chosen, there are two theories of language learning that we can relate to. First is the Cognitive Theory which emphasizes on child’s language acquisition within the context of the child’s mental or cognitive development. According to Jean Piaget, he argued that a child has to understand a concept before s/he can acquire the particular language form which expresses that concept. In order to learn the website content, learners first will be given a tutorial for any categories they ask for, next as they understand the notes given, they may proceed to the exercises. Their understanding will be tested and marks will be given for the correct answers.
Another theory is B.F. Skinner’s Operant Conditioning focuses on the fact that learning best occurs when a reward is provided after an organism makes the desired response (operant). According to Skinner, verbal behavior, like other behavior, is controlled by its consequences. When consequences are rewarding, behavior is maintained and is increased in strength and perhaps frequency. Back to the website, the programmers have applied the theory into their program. This can be seen when learners have completed the exercises, marks will be given and if they have answered incorrectly, there are some kinds of motivational remarks for learners to keep trying until they give the correct answers. As they success to answer all correctly, they will get positive comments for their achievements.
Question 6
According to Prof. George E. Hein (1991), Constructivism refers to the idea that learners construct knowledge for themselves; each learner individually (and socially) constructs meaning as he or she learns. In determining how well the constructivist theory of learning being applied in the website, there are few criteria that need to take into consideration. First, is the language learning potential. When browsing the website, users can easily find out that the website focuses on the instruction of grammar, vocabulary and dictionaries use. The users will be able to improve their competency in English language after using the features provided because they have been served in-depth. Besides, the interactive exercises can help them to examine their understanding after having the tutorial.
Second is the learner fit. Generally the design and layout for the website can attract the users to utilize it because it is user-friendly. It is convenient for users to access the website because it provides a proper and systematic categories and links for users to choose on. English Page basically fits the need of intermediate and advanced English learners with the intensive exercises and tutorial for them to improve their grammar and vocabulary acquisition. The users can decide their learning process, plan their learning, and monitor the learning task, and check how well they have learnt.
Question 7
In my opinion, the computer either cannot be a replacement for teacher neither an obedient servant to students. This is because both teachers and students still need each other for the process of teaching and learning. Basically, the computer can give the lesson or tutorial to students. However, they cannot give the explanation or delivering the lesson as what teachers do. In a usual learning situation, teachers can interact with students directly where the two-way interaction best happened in classroom.
This is not going to happen if students use the computer to learn. The computer do not have the feeling and they cannot understand what students feel and how students react to the subject matter. So, we cannot say that the computer is a replacement for teachers or merely an obedient servant to students because it is just a supplementary tool that both teachers and students can use to increase their understanding in English subject.
Question 8
After using the application myself, I am certain that I will proceed to use it in my future work because it is beneficial for me as it offers a wide resource of English lesson. This is truly good for me in order to increase my knowledge and understanding towards English. More than that, as a future lecturer, I will use the application as one of my teaching resources to be given to my students. As a supplementary, I will suggest the website to my students.
After assessing the website, I would like to suggest to developer to improve on their design and layout to be more attractive and eye-catching one. Based on the present appearance, it is quite dull and boring. The developer perhaps can add more colors or pictures so that users will get more attracted.
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